Spatial and Temporal Cross-Validation Approach for Misbehavior Detection in C-ITS. With
Distributed On-line Anomaly Detection for Connected Vehicles. With H. Chaouchi (Telecom SudParis), S. Clémençon (Telecom Paris) and N. Neji (Telecom Paris). In the Proceedings of IEEE ICAIIC, 2020
A LSTM Approach to Detection of Autonomous Vehicle Hijacking. With S. Clémençon (Télécom ParisTech), Sebastian Fischmeister (University of Waterloo) and N. Negi (Telecom ParisTech). In the Proceedings of VEHITS, 2019
Trade-offs in Large-Scale Distributed Tuplewise Estimation and Learning. With R. Vogel (Télécom ParisTech), A. Bellet (INRIA), S. Clémençon (Télécom ParisTech) and G. Papa (Télécom ParisTech). In the Proceedingsof ECML, 2019
A secure IoT architecture for streaming data analysis and anomaly detection. With S. Boudabous(Télécom ParisTech), S. Clémençon (Télécom ParisTech) and M. Caros-Roca (Télécom ParisTech). In theProceedings of IoTSec, 2018
Subsampling for Big Data : Some Recent Advances. With P. Bertail(Université Paris-Ouest), J. Tressou(INRA) and M. Zetlaoui (Université Paris-Ouest). Springer Proceedings in Mathematics Statistics, vol250. Nonparametric Statistics. ISNPS 2016
Scalability of Stochastic Gradient Descent based on ”Smart” Sampling Techniques. With A. Bellet (Telecom ParisTech), S. Clémençon (Telecom ParisTech) G. Papa (Telecom ParisTech). In the Proceedingsof the INNS Big Data Conference 2015
Optimization study of a packet classification algorithm. With O. Paul (Institut National des Télécommunications). Annales des télécommunications, 2007
Markers-based space decomposition algorithm : a new algorithm for multi-fields packet classification.With O. Paul (Institut National des Télécommunications). In the proceedings of IEEE Workshop on High Performance Swit-ching and Routing, 2006
A two-level Packet Classification. With O. Paul (Institut National des Télécommunications). In the proceedings of IEEE/ISTWorkshop on Monitoring, Attack detection and Mitigation. 2006